TYPE: Large eleven panel Bhutanese ‘blanket’ (from Tibet) – SOLD

CIRCA: 1900 / early 1900’s


A large raw silk ‘blanket’ that, when ethnically used in Bhutan, was worn as a wrap around women’s garment (and although it came out of Tibet was almost certainly woven in Bhutan, given its raw silk construction). It is constructed of eleven multi-coloured striped panels – with yellow and off-white predominant – that have been stitched together to make the whole. In the yellow and off-white strips is the tigma (cross) design, much beloved in Tibet, that has been hand-stamped (i.e. wood block printed) onto the fabric. The top and bottom edges and corners have been lined with a narrow strip of light blue cotton cloth to protect against wear. Originally sourced in Kathmandu in the early 1970’s from a Tibetan refugee that had just come directly from Tibet, it was made circa 1900 / early 1900’s, is constructed of raw silk and very tightly woven, the dyes are natural and the size is 241cm x 124cm. It is in very good condition. ALREADY SOLD.

SIZE: 241cm x 124cm

WARP: raw silk

WEFT: raw silk