Beautiful ‘butterfly’ shaped under-saddle carpet from Tibet. The outer main border is of interlinked floral trellis work and has a peacock roundel as the main center field motif, which itself is a seldom seen design for a saddle carpet. Also is an interesting small geometric ‘decoration’ in the outer flared ends, and in the upper main field’s outer ‘ends’. All natural dyes, save for the possibility of the pink being synthetic, although if so it is by no means ‘hot’. There are no colour runs, what may look like such around some of the flowers in the outer border is an intentional lighter surrounding edging, it is definitely not colour run. And even the though the rows of knots are fairly widely spaced, the knots themselves are relatively small at 66kpsi (i.e. 1023 psd). The carpet has a very soft handle and is in a solid, very good, condition with no repairs.