A three paneled checkered tsuktruk, the three individual strips having been woven separately on a narrow loom and then sewn together to complete the finished product. These tsuktruk type rugs – which are relatively ‘thin’ when compared to the heavier Tibetan carpets used for sleeping on (khadens) – were used as a blanket while sleeping, or if used to sleep on then several were ‘stacked’ on top of each other. The green and dark blue checkered pile center of this rug is surrounded by a red pile border that mimics the red covered felt border seen on many Tibetan rugs. It was made in the early 1900’s and the warp and weft are of hand spun wool, with the weft being of mixed grey / dark grey wool, while the warp is made using two narrow closely paired white wool threads. These minimalist but captivating weaving’s are often associated with the nomadic lifestyle and although this one could certainly use a wash, it is otherwise in good condition with no repairs.